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How do I access my Centre Profile to view my Educators and Staff?

At the top of your screen is the 'Dashboard' button, which will take you to your Centre Profile. From here you have a few options:

  • Company Profile - Here you can view details about Giggletree Pty Ltd.
  • Centre Profile - Here you can view details about your Centre.
  • Centre Users - Here you can view all of your staff that are under your Centre.
  • Stats - Here you can view statistics about the training that has been assigned to Educators and Staff, as well as their Completion Status.


How do I add Centre Users to my Portal?

On your Dashboard, under the 'Centre User' section, there will be an 'Add Centre User' button. After clicking on this it will prompt you for your staff member's details. The important fields to fill out are:

  • Email Address: Personal Email Address
  • Username: Same as Personal Email Address
  • Password: Set the user's password (Recommended: First name with a capital letter, i.e. Hendi)
  • Confirm Password: As above
  • Full Name

Once you have filled out all details, you can scroll down to 'Create New Account.' Users will be sent a one-time login that will prompt them to create a password. If they have any issues, please look further down on information on how to set/reset a user's password.


How do I enrol users in training?

In order to assign a course to a user to complete, you will need to navigate to their profiles. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your Centre Dashboard
  2. From here, go to your Centre Users tab
  3. Select the User you wish to enrol into some training by clicking on their username (You can also do this by right-clicking on their username and selecting 'Open Link in New Tab')
  4. Click on the 'Assign Course' drop-down at the bottom of their profile, and select the appropriate course to enrol them in, before selecting 'Assign.' You can see what this looks like in the picture below:

select course


How to check the status of a course & what reports can I generate to monitor progress?

On your Centre Dashboard there will be a Stats button that you can select, which will take you to the Branch Statistics for everyone at your service. At the top will be a filter selection like the picture below:

filter example

For information on the filters above, please see the below:

  • Course: Start typing the name of a course to filter to only instances of that course (i.e. 2023 Safe Sleep Practices for Babies and Toddlers (National)). As this is an auto-fill field you need to select the drop-down that appears after you start typing.
  • Full Name: You can filter to a specific person by name (If you do not know their username). This requires exact spelling of the person's full name.
  • Email: You can filter by an email. As this is an auto-fill field you need to select the drop-down that appears after you start typing.
  • Course Category: In Development.
  • Assigned Date To/From: Set a date range using a calendar for when training has been assigned.

Using these filters you can narrow down what you are looking for, but you can scroll through the stats of your Centre Users at any time to see what they have all been assigned, whether they have completed their training... Etc. This can be downloaded for report purposes by clicking on the CSV button at the bottom of this page.


How to retrieve certificates & what to do if a course was completed too quickly?

You can download the certificate for any user's training from their profile on your Centre Dashboard. You can get there by following the steps below:

  1. Go to your Centre Dashboard
  2. From here, go to your Centre Users tab
  3. Select the User you wish to enrol into some training by clicking on their username (You can also do this by right-clicking on their username and selecting 'Open Link in New Tab')
  4. On the user's profile, click on the 'Download Certificate' button in the right-hand of the training column. If it is highlighted orange then you can download it, if it is just black then the course has not been completed.

You may also see the message below instead:

"This course has been completed under minimum time and will require a reset. Please contact "" for your course reset."

In order to get their training reset, the Educator will need to contact the above email about their course reset. It is their responsibility to make sure that training is completed correctly and to the set standard, as they are expected to download their own certificate after completing the course.


How do I reset a user's password?

If you need to set someone's password for any reason, please follow the steps below:

  1. From your Dashboard, navigate to 'Centre Users' and then go to their Profile
  2. Click on 'Edit' towards the top of the screenedit


  3. Scroll down on this page until you see the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' fields. If you are unsure on what to reset a user's password to, we recommend sticking with their first name with a capital letter (i.e. Hendi)password fields


  4. Once you have entered in the new password, scroll to the bottom and hit 'Save.'save


After hitting save the user's login details will have been updated and you can notify them to try logging in again. If they receive any errors in trying to log in or cannot access the website, please contact so that they can assist you with your enquiry. If necessary, they will forward it on to technical support with In Safe Hands.